Welcome, everyone, to the FKKA students’/Instructors’ ring page!

We, your Flaherty’s Kenpo Karate Owners are thrilled that you have taken time out of your busy day and schedule to stop by our FKKA Rings page.

Besides our 10-Year Award, Flaherty’s Kenpo Karate Association is proud to offer all FKKA students the opportunity to earn “outstanding service” rings. This beautiful silver ring is presented to each student who has consistently put in 15 years of training/in-class participation. In addition, students of any levels or Black Belt Degrees can earn our FKKA “Gold Ring” after completing 25 years.

Listed below you will find pictures of students and instructors who were presented with the FKKA’S Outstanding Service “Ring” awards. Please enjoy the photos. We look forward to seeing you all in class real soon.

Thank you, everyone, for your time and consideration!

Best Always:
Academy Owners
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